Monday, July 2, 2012

A Moment to Breathe

Phew! What a year so far! So many tidbits of information and so much research! Hope that you expendablenlightenment followers have been hanging in there. This blog takes a lot of time and research and sometimes it isn't easy to find topics. With a world as vast and strange and confusing as the one we live in, the truth is usually much stranger than fiction, which is one of my goals to share. I hope to hear from you on topics you are interested in or want to know more about.

The amount of research has been overwhelming at times and in order to maintain an average of two posts a week, I have been getting behind sometimes on keeping that pace. In order to keep things fresh and interesting, I will cut back on the heavy research that I've been doing to just one posting a week, which will be posted on Mondays or Tuesdays. On either Thursdays or Fridays will be a new feature that I'll call Friday Videos. Friday Videos will be all over the place. Sometimes they will be Friday Songs (a Friday Song is a song that is usually older but to really qualify, it has to be a song that not many know. It's a way to share music that's older but from all different genres), goofy videos, and sometimes interesting things. You never know what'll show up on a Friday Video, perfect for the little known facts, trivia, and information that have been provided by the expendablenlightenment blog from Metro Business College.

The school is on vacation and in order for me to catch my breath, so will the blog. Look forward to more unusual information that is at times beyond belief and at others just fascinating or bizarre. The Friday Video will make its debut here in July.

Stay tuned for more expendablenlightenment!

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